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9781568987637, 978-1-56898-763-7

Главная  » Научно-техническая литература » Математика. Естественные науки » Науки о Земле » Геодезия. Картография » Cartographies of Time: A History of the Timeline

Grafton A., Rosenberg D., Cartographies of Time: A History of the Timeline

Birlhauser, 2010 г., 272 стр., 9781568987637, 978-1-56898-763-7

Описание книги

What does history look like? How do you draw time? From the most ancient images to the contemporary, the line has served as the central figure in the representation of time. The linear metaphor is ubiquitous in everyday visual representations of time - in almanacs, calendars, charts, and graphs of all sorts. Even our everyday speech is filled with talk of time having a "before" and an "after" or being "long" and "short". The timeline is such a familiar part of our mental furniture that it is sometimes hard to remember that we invented it in the first place. And yet, in its modern form, the timeline is not even 250 years old. The story of what came before has never been fully told, until now. Cartographies of Time is the first comprehensive history of graphic representations of time in Europe and the United States from 1450 to the present. Authors Daniel Rosenberg and Anthony Grafton have crafted a lively history featuring fanciful characters and unexpected twists and...

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