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Иностранные языки. Обучение. Чтение. Книга по требованию

  Описание тематики книг: Иностранные языки. Обучение. Чтение. Книга по требованию

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159 Celtic Designs Amy L.
159 Celtic Designs
Over 150 motifs reflecting the eye-catching intricacies of Celtic design, ideal for use in graphics layouts, needlework designs and other art and craft projects. Often incorporating sinuous interlacements of animal, floral and abstract motifs, the......
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Michelangelo and Raphael Drawings Whistler C.
Michelangelo and Raphael Drawings
Michelangelo and Raphael, in spite of their strongly contrasting characters, have many points of contact as draughtsmen. Looking to Leonardo, who had pioneered new techniques, they transformed the practice and status of drawing, using it to achieve the same expressive and affecting ends as painting or sculpture....
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Strangers on the Train P H.
Strangers on the Train
From the moment that he constructs a perfect alibi, Guy Haines is trapped in a nightmare of shared guilt and an insidious merging of his personality with that of his conspirator....
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Curvilinear Designs George P.
Curvilinear Designs
Originally published in the early Victorian era, this decorative tour de force marks the shift of popular taste from Neoclassicism, foreshadowing the development of Art Nouveau. An eclectic assembly of forty-seven engraved plates includes examples of......
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Mary Barton Cleghorn G.
Mary Barton
Elizabeth Gaskell\'s first novel depicts nothing less than the great clashes between capital and labour, which arose from rapid industrialisation and problems of trade in the mid-nineteenth century. But these clashes are dramatized through......
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The Turnaround George P.
The Turnaround
On a hot summer afternoon in 1972, three teenagers drove into an unfamiliar neighborhood and six lives were altered forever. Thirty five years later, one survivor of that day reaches out to another, opening a door that could lead to salvation. But......
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The Cut George P.
The Cut
Spero Lucas has a new line of work. Since he returned home after serving in Iraq, he has been doing special investigations for a defence attorney. He\'s good at it, and he has carved out a niche: recovering stolen property, no questions asked. His......
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Little Mook: And Longnose the Dwarf Hauff W.
Little Mook: And Longnose the Dwarf
WILHELM HAUFF was a story-teller in the great European mythic tradition. His short stories, peopled with a vivid assortment of dwarves, evil witches, enchanted swans, and devious princes, owe a clear debt to the Brothers Grimm. But rather than......
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Les trois amours de napoleon Boissard J.
Les trois amours de napoleon
Voici Joséphine de Beauharnais, douce créole auréolée de sensualité. Voici Marie Walewska, Polonaise passionnée qui s\'était juré de n\'avoir jamais qu\'un seul amour:......
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Marie tempete Boissard J.
Marie tempete
Après des années d\'un bonheur sans nuages, Marie Delaunay voit sa vie voler en éclats lorsque Pierre, son mari, patron-pêcheur, disparaît tragiquement en mer. Elle se retrouve seule avec ses enfants et......
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Histoire d'amour Boissard J.
Histoire d'amour
Pourquoi l\'a-t-on choisie, elle, si peu jolie, si peu cultivée, pour escorter Claudio Roman, ténor célèbre dans le monde entier? Parce qu\'il est aveugle? Pour le préserver d\'admiratrices trop......
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Allez, France! Boissard J.
Allez, France!
France, neuf ans, est une petite fille pleine de vie et de malice. Mais aussi une enfant moderne qui tente de ne pas en vouloir à ses parents d\'avoir divorcé, à son père de lui imposer un petit frère......
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Un amour de deraison Boissard J.
Un amour de deraison
Anne-Thé était l\'épouse, celle qui connaissait son mari par cœur, ses envies, ses petites manies, et supportait ses écarts depuis des années sans se plaindre. Elle était la......
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Meistererzählungen Werfel F.
Die berühmtesten Erzählungen eines Fabulierers par excellence, der sich seinen bildhaften, abenteuerlichen und manchmal skurrilen Einfällen ganz überlassen konnte. Die meisten seiner Geschichten spielen in k. k.......
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International Mass Claims Processes: Legal and Practical Perspectives Holtzmann H.
International Mass Claims Processes: Legal and Practical Perspectives
- Analyzes a significant procedural innovation in international law, the development of mass claims processes - Provides practical guidance on how to set up and run a mass claims process by drawing upon the lessons learned from past practice - The 25......
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