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Программирование графики и анимации

  Описание тематики книг: Программирование графики и анимации (OpenGI, DirectX и др.)

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Digital Modeling of Material Appearance Dorsey J. Rushmeier H. Sillion F.
Digital Modeling of Material Appearance
Computer graphics systems are capable of generating stunningly realistic images of objects that have never physically existed. In order for computers to create these accurately detailed images, digital models of appearance must include robust data to give viewers a credible visual impression of the depicted materials....
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Computer Animation, Second Edition: Algorithms and Techniques Parent R.
Computer Animation, Second Edition: Algorithms and Techniques
Driven by the demands of research and the entertainment industry, the techniques of animation are pushed to render increasingly complex objects with ever-greater life-like appearance and motion. This rapid progression of knowledge and technique impacts professional developers, as well as students....
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Программирование графики на Турбо Си Аммерал Л.
Программирование графики на Турбо Си
Расширение возможностей применения графического пакета на Турбо Си для системы координат пользователя....
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Unity in Action: Multiplatform Game Development in C# with Unity 5 Hocking J.
Unity in Action: Multiplatform Game Development in C# with Unity 5
This book helps readers build successful games with the Unity game development platform. You will use the powerful C# language, Unity\"s intuitive workflow tools, and a state-of-the-art rendering engine to build and deploy mobile, desktop, and console games....
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Introduction to Game Design, Prototyping, and Development: From Concept to Playable Game with Unity and C# Gibson J.
Introduction to Game Design, Prototyping, and Development: From Concept to Playable Game with Unity and C#
Award-winning game designer and professor Jeremy Gibson has spent the last decade teaching game design and working as an independent game developer. Over the years, his most successful students have always been those who effectively combined game design theory, concrete rapid-prototyping practices, and programming skills....
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DirectX: продвинутая анимация (+ CD-ROM) Адамс Д.
DirectX: продвинутая анимация (+ CD-ROM)
Данная книга посвящена современным методам анимации с использованием DirectX. В книге подробно освещаются последние достижения в области персонажной, лицевой и скелетной анимации. Вы узнаете о методах морфирования, как учитывать законы физики для......
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Managed DirectX 9. Программирование графики и игр Миллер Т.
Managed DirectX 9. Программирование графики и игр
Управляемый DirectX9 расширяет возможности программирования игр и графики. Книга позволяет изучить возможности использования Управляемого DirectX при разработке различных графических и мультимедийных приложений....
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Программирование графики: GDI+ и DirectX (+ CD-ROM) Брусенцев В.А. Поляков А.К.
Программирование графики: GDI+ и DirectX (+ CD-ROM)
Рассматривается практическое применение библиотек GDI+ и DirectX 9.0 в среде Visual C++ и C# при программировании графики....
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Справочник по функциям Win32 API Верма Р.Д.
Справочник по функциям Win32 API
Книга представляет собой справочник по основным функциям Win32 API. Она является кратким руководством по использованию некоторых групп функций с примерами. В ней приведено описание основных сообщений и дан краткий обзор типов данных Win32 API. Настоящее издание (первое вышло в 2002 г....
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Lotus Notes и Domino 5/6. Энциклопедия программиста Керн С. Линд Д.
Lotus Notes и Domino 5/6. Энциклопедия программиста
Книга "Lotus Notes u Domino 5/6. Энциклопедия программиста" представляет собой универсальное руководство, посвященное одной из самых мощных корпоративных систем управления данными....
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Programming Role Playing Games with DirectX Adams J.
Programming Role Playing Games with DirectX
No game draws a player into its world in quite the same way as a role-playing game does. In role-playing games, players break through the barrier that exists between their actions and the fantastic world that they\'re navigating through and instead become an inhabitant of that world....
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Beginning DirectX 9 (Game Development Series) Jones W.
Beginning DirectX 9 (Game Development Series)
Welcome to the exciting world of 3D graphics creation with DirectX 9! \"Beginning DirectX 9\" is your introductory guide to creating realistic virtual worlds and characters for games. This true beginners guide offers easy-to-follow instructions for getting your first DirectX program up and running....
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Advanced 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0 Walsh P.
Advanced 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0
Targets experienced computer game programmers as well as those interested in computer game development....
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Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0 Luna F.
Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0
This book instructs the reader from the beginning by teaching the underlying mathematics and 3D theory necessary to make sense of the DirectX 9 API....
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