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Локальные и корпоративные сети

  Описание тематики книг: Локальные сети (LAN). Построение, эксплуатация. Глобальные сети (WAN, VPN). Интранет. Построение, эксплуатация

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Виртуализация настольных компьютеров с помощью VMware View 5 Андрэ Л. Джейсон Л.
Виртуализация настольных компьютеров с помощью VMware View 5
VMware View - решение для виртуализации настольных компьютеров, которое помогает автоматизировать управление настольными компьютерами и приложениями, сократить затраты и повысить уровень безопасности данных за счет централизации среды настольных компьютеров....
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Проектирование и расчет структурированных кабельных систем и их компонентов Семенов А.В.
Проектирование и расчет структурированных кабельных систем и их компонентов
B книге даются общие сведения о структуре и допустимых длинах кабельных линий различных подсистем СКС при основных вариантах ее реализации....
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SharePoint 2010 Workflows in Action Wicklund P.
SharePoint 2010 Workflows in Action
SharePoint 2010 is a huge technology with tens of thousands of companies adopting it from all across the globe. Within the SharePoint product stack, workflows are one of the most compelling and ROI generating features for many business....
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Learning Puppet 4: A Guide to Configuration Management and Automation Rhett J.
Learning Puppet 4: A Guide to Configuration Management and Automation
If you\"re a system administrator, developer, or site reliability engineer responsible for handling hundreds or even thousands of nodes in your network, the Puppet configuration management tool will make your job a whole lot easier....
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PowerShell как средство автоматического администрирования Коробко И.В.
PowerShell как средство автоматического администрирования
В этой книге описываются различные средства автоматизации процессов в сети с помощью PowerShell....
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The Best Damn Server Virtualization Book Period: Including Vmware, Xen, and Microsoft Virtual Server Dittner R. Rule D.
The Best Damn Server Virtualization Book Period: Including Vmware, Xen, and Microsoft Virtual Server
Server Sprawl and escalating IT costs have managers and system administrators scrambling to find ways to cut costs and reduce Total Cost of Ownership of their physical infrastructure....
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Internet Multimedia Communications Using SIP: A Modern Approach Including Java Practice Perea R.
Internet Multimedia Communications Using SIP: A Modern Approach Including Java Practice
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) was conceived in 1996 as a signaling protocol for inviting users to multimedia conferences. With this development, the next big Internet revolution silently started....
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Voice Over WLANs: The Complete Guide Finneran M.
Voice Over WLANs: The Complete Guide
Wireless local area networks (WLANs) have traditionally been used to transport only data, but are now being used to carry voice traffic as well as provided new combined voice and data services....
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Mobile Video Communications Wu Z.
Mobile Video Communications
The problem how to convey maximum distinguishable video information while consuming minimum resources has long been investigated since Shannon’s source channel separation theorem. The theorem is derived under the condition that all transmission errors can be corrected by the channel coding to an arbitrarily low probability....
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Performance Analysis of BICM-ID Based Cooperative Network Tanoli S.
Performance Analysis of BICM-ID Based Cooperative Network
The performance of BICM-ID based cooperative networks over AWGN channel, Rayleigh and Nakagami-m fading channels are analyzed to ensure the advantages of both code and cooperation diversity. TDMA-based cooperative protocol is used for transmission and relay is operating in amplify-and-forward (AF) mode with fixed gain....
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Design and Implementation of Dynamic Source Routing Protocol Sinha B.
Design and Implementation of Dynamic Source Routing Protocol
A mobile ad hoc network is a collection of wireless nodes that can dynamically be set up anywhere and anytime without using any pre-existing network infrastructure. Ad hoc networking can be applied anywhere where, there is little or no communication infrastructure or the existing infrastructure is expensive or inconvenient to use....
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IVRS, Network chess league and smart dust Suresh S.
IVRS, Network chess league and smart dust
Interactive Voice Response System, Network Chess League and Smart Dust are three topical engineering projects; especially useful for Computer Science students.IVR - short for Interactive Voice Response - is a technology that automates interaction with telephone callers....
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Optimize Bandwidth for Signaling Protocols by Compression Technique Dixit S.
Optimize Bandwidth for Signaling Protocols by Compression Technique
Bandwidth availability in wireless communication systems remains a limiting factor. Protocol Specific Text Compression, concerned towards Optimization of Bandwidth usage, is a novel approach towards obtaining maximum compression. PSTC is an efficient, robust and scalable compression scheme. Protocols such as SIP, XML, HTTP etc....
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TCP Variants over Mobile Adhoc Network BISEN D.
TCP Variants over Mobile Adhoc Network
Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs)are collections of mobile nodes, dynamically forming a temporary network without centralized administration. These nodes can be arbitrarily located and are free to move randomly at any given time, thus allowing network topology and interconnections between nodes to change rapidly and unpredictably....
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NAT Traversal and Detection Bansal C.
NAT Traversal and Detection
Since IPv4 Private Networks are behind NAT (Network Address Translation) devices. So, to Bypass the Binding Update and Binding Acknowledgment by NAT, we need to encapsulate it in UDP (User datagram Protocol) Packets. Hence, the Dual Stack Mobile IPv6 should support NAT Traversal and Detection ....
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