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  Описание тематики книг: Инвестиции. Инвестиционные фонды. Деривативы.

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Об инвестиционных программах субъектов электроэнергетики
Об инвестиционных программах субъектов электроэнергетики
Документ продается с актуализацией на дату продажи!Постановление Правительства РФ от 01.12....
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Методический инструментарий оценки инвестиционной привлекательности муниципальных образований Кузьминых Н. Л.С. В. О.Б. К.
Методический инструментарий оценки инвестиционной привлекательности муниципальных образований
В монографии рассмотрены теоретические основы оценки инвестиционной привлекательности муниципальных образований, тенденции развития инвестиционных процессов на муниципальном уровне Республики Башкортостан, методические рекомендации по оценке инвестиционной привлекательности муниципальных образований....
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Управление портфелем инвестиций ценных бумаг Шапкин А.С. Шапкин В.Е.
Управление портфелем инвестиций ценных бумаг
В книге раскрывается методология принятия решений по формированию инвестиционных портфелей (проектов) на финансовом рынке в условиях неопределенной рыночной конъюнктуры. Дано обоснование решения задачи оптимизации портфеля инвестиций ценных бумаг, заключающееся в максимизации доходности при минимальном риске....
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Азбука частного инвестора. Путеводитель по финансовому рынку Евсюков С.Г. Зверева А. Зверев В.С. Никитина Д.А.
Азбука частного инвестора. Путеводитель по финансовому рынку
В книге в простой и доступной форме описаны возможности получения дохода частным инвестором от операций с ценными бумагами.Предлагаются методы и средства оценки рисков при вложениях в те или другие ценные бумаги, даются рекомендации, как защитить себя от мошенничества, как выбрать надежного оператора на финансовом рынке....
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Property Investment Isaac D. O`Leary J.
Property Investment
Since the publication of the first edition of Property Investment almost 15 years ago, the property sector has undergone some significant shifts that investors must now factor into their investment choices....
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Personal Investment: financial planning in an uncertain world Lowe J. Mazzucato M. Shipman A. Trigg A.
Personal Investment: financial planning in an uncertain world
This innovative new teaching text provides an introduction to personal investment in a world defined by uncertainty. With a focus on risk, socio-economic change and the regulatory framework, and a wealth of international case studies, the book covers all the key issues that affect personal investment decisions and their ultimate success or failure....
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A Competency Field Report: Who???s Getting ROI on their Competency Investment and How They???re Doing It Hendrickson J.
A Competency Field Report: Who???s Getting ROI on their Competency Investment and How They???re Doing It
A Competency Field Report begins with a review of and insight into the latest on competencies from both a research and HR application perspective then segues into anecdotal cases of competency efforts in some of the world???s leading companies. More pra...
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Private and Public investments and Economic Growth
Private and Public investments and Economic Growth
Capabilities that provide the social economical actions which helps to grow up to economic growth over a long term and protect the local markets are called Private and public investments. This research reported that, there is long-term positive and significant relationship among the private sector and public sector on economic Growth....
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Pre-employment VET Investment Strategy for Developing Countries
Pre-employment VET Investment Strategy for Developing Countries
With substantial expansion of primary education during the 1990s and 2000s and consequent high demand for secondary education, many developing countries are seeking to expand their vocational education at the secondary level to prepare young students for employment....
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Factors Effecting Investors Intention to Adopt Online Investment
Factors Effecting Investors Intention to Adopt Online Investment
The emergence of global online trading has created a rapid development in the methods of business. At the heart of this information technology development was the Internet based stock trading. Stock exchange trading (Investment in stock exchange) is an important indicator of the health of a regions economy....
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The RRSP Secret: Defend and Build Your Wealth with This Powerful Investment Strategy Habstritt G.
The RRSP Secret: Defend and Build Your Wealth with This Powerful Investment Strategy
If you???re looking to change your financial future, this is your chance. You???re about to embark on an exciting journey, one that will take you \\\"behind the scenes\\\" to see what???s really going on in the financial industry. My goal in writing this book...
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Analysis of Foreign Private Investment in Nigeria
Analysis of Foreign Private Investment in Nigeria
The Analysis of Foreign Private Investment in Nigeria (1970-2010)....
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Foreign Direct Investment, Democracy, Dictatorship and Pakistan
Foreign Direct Investment, Democracy, Dictatorship and Pakistan
In economic history of Pakistan, dictators have made good policies with regard to FDI and huge amount of FDI came into Pakistan in their regime....
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Opportunities to Foreign Investment in Kosovo
Opportunities to Foreign Investment in Kosovo
Aware of the importance of foreign investments for the economic development of Kosovo, the project identified the motivations and concerns of foreign investors for investing in Kosovo and for exploring opportunities that Kosovo offers....
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The aim and purpose of this book is to explore the market/investment potential of bio-energy/mass in Nigeria, with South East Nigeria as a case study. Data for the study consists of primary and secondary sources....
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