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Как устроиться на работу

  Описание тематики книг: Как устроиться на работу. Как найти работу. Работа кадровых агентств

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Мечтать не вредно. Как получить то, чего действительно хочешь
Мечтать не вредно. Как получить то, чего действительно хочешь
Легендарная книга, которая в течение 30 лет помогает людям во всем мире превращать расплывчатые желания и мечты в конкретные результаты. Нужно лишь освоить практические методики решения проблем, развить соответствующие навыки и получить доступ к необходимым контактам....
599 руб.
Карьерные процессы. Социологические и психолого-педагогические интерпретации Шаповалов В.Ф.
Карьерные процессы. Социологические и психолого-педагогические интерпретации
В монографии автор предлагает рассматривать карьеру как социальный процесс. В контексте процессного подхода даются определения типов карьер и обосновываются критерии их социологического анализа....
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Важные годы. Почему не стоит откладывать жизнь на потом
Важные годы. Почему не стоит откладывать жизнь на потом
Эта книга о десятилетии, определяющем судьбу человека. Инвестиции, сделанные в этот период в собственное развитие во всех сферах жизни, принесут максимальную отдачу. Автор весьма убедительно объясняет, почему не стоит откладывать начало взрослой жизни на потом, и рассказывает, что нужно делать в это лучшее время жизни человека....
399 руб.
О чем мечтать. Как понять, чего хочешь на самом деле, и как этого добиться Шер Б.
О чем мечтать. Как понять, чего хочешь на самом деле, и как этого добиться
О книгеКнига для тех, кто еще не знает, чего хочет в жизни.Жизнь без цели - это жизнь без страсти. Великолепное продолжение бестселлера \\\"Мечтать не вредно\\\" приведет вас не к очередной скучной работе, а к карьере, отражающей ваши истинные таланты и мечты....
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The CEO Difference: How to Climb, Crawl, and Leap Your Way to the Next Level of Your Career Benton D.
The CEO Difference: How to Climb, Crawl, and Leap Your Way to the Next Level of Your Career
When it comes to getting ahead today, your talent and experience matter. The problem is, someone else going for the promotion or business opportunity has a resume that\"s as good as, if not better than, yours. If you want to get ahead, you have to be different. You have to stand out from the crowd. You have to get decision makers to talk about you....
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Undergraduate Students Attitude Towards Career In The Hotel Industry
Undergraduate Students Attitude Towards Career In The Hotel Industry
Attitudes form a major part of ones behaviour. A lot of research in hospitality studies have concentrated on issues related to pay and motivation and very little on the attitudes of students who are pursuing careers in the hospitality industry. This study investigated the attitudes of students pursuing a degree in hospitality....
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Career Choice Certainty:Implications for Career Counseling
Career Choice Certainty:Implications for Career Counseling
While the career development is a life-long process, choices made during the college years are significant in setting the foundation for future professional options....
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Career concentration
Career concentration
Planning Organization race develops career ladder, race tracks and provides opportunities for professional development .Individual development helps employees identify goals and measures to achieve them. Career expectation of family and friends encouraged him to re-think the idea of a career and decision-making process....
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Female Former Team-Sport Athletes In Their Nonathletic Careers
Female Former Team-Sport Athletes In Their Nonathletic Careers
This study supports the advancement of women in the workplace by highlighting key qualifications developed from a male dominated industry. Notable results identified how critical teaming and interaction at an early age can be in building essential skill sets needed for success in the workplace....
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Career Management of Employees with Specific Respect to HR 2.0
Career Management of Employees with Specific Respect to HR 2.0
Human Resource Management has not only an influence on the productivity of the employees, but also on the company’s turnover and profitability as well as on its corporate financial performance in general....
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This study identified core strengths of Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs that provide preparation for a State Licensure Exam in California. Strengths and weaknesses in these programs were identified and used to recommend the strengthening of CTE programs....
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The Happiness of Pursuit Guillebeau C.
The Happiness of Pursuit
The Happiness of Pursuit helps you find real life fulfilment by undertaking a quest that is big and ambitious, surpassing the limits of routine-filled lives. Chris has undertaken a successful quest of his own, having visited nearly every country in the world by age 35, but your own quest needn\"t involve travel at all....
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Getting a Networking Job For Dummies Gregory P. Hughes B.
Getting a Networking Job For Dummies
Learn to: Find the right organization Write a resume that gets attention Answer difficult interview questions Identify required certifications Jump??“start your career in computer networking Looking to land a computer networking position? Lo...
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Getting an Information Security Job For Dummies Gregory P.
Getting an Information Security Job For Dummies
Learn to: Identify information security roles Determine which certifications you need Write an attention??“getting resume Prepare for interviews Get access to free online resources, including video, articles, sample...
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Getting a Social Media Job For Dummies Briz B. Rose D.
Getting a Social Media Job For Dummies
Learn to: Stand out in a crowded field Navigate different platform cultures Write a winning resume Create a social media position in any company Get access to free online resources, including video, articles, sample resum...
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