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  Описание тематики книг: Геополитика. Государство и территория. Геополитика православия, ислама. Евразийство и неоевразийство. Противостояние Востока и Запада. Этнополитика

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Гибридная война в системе военных угроз национальной безопасности Иншаков С.М.
Гибридная война в системе военных угроз национальной безопасности
Предлагаемая вниманию читателей книга посвящена исследованию феномена гибридной войны, анализу ее сущности и места в системе военных угроз национальной безопасности. В книге проанализированы различные виды войн (в том числе с использованием ядерного, биологического и химического оружия)....
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Военный потенциал штатов США. От штата Айдахо до Штата Юта (основные элементы военного потенциала на территории штатов Америки) Показеев А.
Военный потенциал штатов США. От штата Айдахо до Штата Юта (основные элементы военного потенциала на территории штатов Америки)
В предлагаемой монографии рассмотрены физико-географические, исторические, демографические, экономические, собственно военные, военно-промышленные и военно-исследовательские особенности всех штатов США и федерального округа Колумбия....
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Евразийский вектор глобальной геополитики. Монография Кефели И.Ф.
Евразийский вектор глобальной геополитики. Монография
Европы к Большой Евразии. Смена геополитических эпох определила исторический ракурс геополитики как объективно разворачивающейся глобальной истории. Авторы особое внимание уделили анализу истоков, содержания евразийской геополитики и геополитических......
509 руб.
Интервенция США и НАТО в Ливии и ее последствия для Сирии, Ирана, Кавказа. Русский взгляд Цыганок А.А.
Интервенция США и НАТО в Ливии и ее последствия для Сирии, Ирана, Кавказа. Русский взгляд
В книге рассматривается интервенция США и НАТО в Ливии и её последствия для Сирии, Ирана и Кавказа. Анализируются подготовленность сторон к войне; воздушная операции США и НАТО; стратегия и тактика армии Каддафи и повстанцев ПНС; ведение информационной войны....
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Energy Policy of the European Union Kreutler M. Pollak J. Schubert S.
Energy Policy of the European Union
This broad-ranging text provides an analysis and assessment of the European Union\"s energy policy. It examines the components of the internal energy market alongside energy policy and politics on the international stage, and in doing so outlines the increasing importance of this global issue....
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The European Union Nelsen B. Stubb A.
The European Union
This new edition of the leading reader on European Integration makes conveniently available to students the key texts of politicians and scholars. The first section, presents the key visions of the primary shapers of the union now including the reflections of current European leaders on the crisis in Europe....
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Energy Policy of the European Union Kreutler M. Pollak J. Schubert S.
Energy Policy of the European Union
This broad-ranging text provides an analysis and assessment of the European Union\"s energy policy. It examines the components of the internal energy market alongside energy policy and politics on the international stage, and in doing so outlines the increasing importance of this global issue....
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The European Union Toemmel I.
The European Union
The European Union affects the lives of Europeans in many and varied ways, yet, in spite of its reach, it often appears a constrained political system – struggling for internal consensus, reliant on the agreement of national governments, and hampered by the scepticism of electorates....
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Environmental Policy and Politics in the European Union Delreux T. Happaerts S.
Environmental Policy and Politics in the European Union
In recent decades, the European Union has developed one of the world\"s most stringent sets of environmental policies....
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Development Policy of the European Union Doidge M. Holland M.
Development Policy of the European Union
Designed to replace Martin Holland\"s The European Union and the Third World, this new text provides systematic coverage of the European Union\"s policies in relation to the developing world in the 21st century and includes substantial coverage of governance issues and the relationship between development initiatives and European integration....
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The European Union Toemmel I.
The European Union
The European Union affects the lives of Europeans in many and varied ways, yet, in spite of its reach, it often appears a constrained political system – struggling for internal consensus, reliant on the agreement of national governments, and hampered by the scepticism of electorates....
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Environmental Policy and Politics in the European Union Delreux T. Happaerts S.
Environmental Policy and Politics in the European Union
In recent decades, the European Union has developed one of the world\"s most stringent sets of environmental policies....
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Development Policy of the European Union Doidge M. Holland M.
Development Policy of the European Union
Designed to replace Martin Holland\"s The European Union and the Third World, this new text provides systematic coverage of the European Union\"s policies in relation to the developing world in the 21st century and includes substantial coverage of governance issues and the relationship between development initiatives and European integration....
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Cohesion Policy in the European Union Baun M. Marek D.
Cohesion Policy in the European Union
This new text introduces the history, evolution and contemporary state of one of the European Union\"s most important, expensive and controversial policies. It examines the role that cohesion policy plays in European integration, as well as in economic development across regions, and analyzes the key debates and issues at stake....
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The Government and Politics of the European Union Nugent N.
The Government and Politics of the European Union
A systematically updated and entirely redesigned new edition of the leading text on the European Union. The seventh edition is packed with new features, accompanied by an all-new companion website and includes new chapters on member state relations and interest representation....
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