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История цивилизаций

  Описание тематики книг: История цивилизаций. История мира. История искусства и культуры. Исторические загадки и тайны

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Британская детская энциклопедия. Комплект в 10 книгах (количество томов: 10) Аллен Т. Грант Н. Игл М.
Британская детская энциклопедия. Комплект в 10 книгах (количество томов: 10)
В комплект вошли книги: 1. Век машин. 978-5-386-10995-0; 2. Колонии и царства. 978-5-386-10994-3; 3. Эпоха великих открытий. 978-5-386-10993-6; 4. Эпоха возрождения. 978-5-386-10992-9; 5. Средние века. 978-5-386-10991-2; 6. Древние цивилизации.......
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Большая книга. Европейские воины Нового Времени. Для любознательных взрослых и детей Завязкин О.В.
Большая книга. Европейские воины Нового Времени. Для любознательных взрослых и детей
В серию \\\"Большая книга\\\" вошла красочно иллюстрированная книга \\\"Европейские воины нового времени\\\"....
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Как римские легионы завоевали Европу и что великая империя оставила в наследство миру Владимиров В.Г.
Как римские легионы завоевали Европу и что великая империя оставила в наследство миру
Из этой книги вы узнаете: как создавалось знаменитое Римское государство; как вершились победы и грандиозные поражения; почему пала великая империя. В книгах с логотипом 3D-Boom вас ждет подарок от издательства: 3D-анимация с профессиональным звуком на вашем телефоне - прямо со страниц книги!...
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Veni Vidi Vici. 33 афоризма великих людей Жонас А.
Veni Vidi Vici. 33 афоризма великих людей
Почему мы говорим \\\"Эврика!\\\", когда в голову приходит отличная идея? А \\\"Поехали!\\\", когда решаемся сделать что-то смелое и важное? Почему мы утверждаем, что \\\"главное не победа, а участие\\\", и откуда пошли выражения \\\"я умываю руки\\\" и \\\"после нас хоть потоп\\\"?...
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The Story of Exploration Claybourne A.
The Story of Exploration
A narrative introduction to real-life explorers through history, from the Ancient Egyptians to Christopher Columbus, and modern-day explorations of the deep seas and outer space. Includes exploration timelines and internet links to websites with additional pictures, maps and animations....
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Book of War Stories Dowswell P.
Book of War Stories
A collection of true stories which recount some of the most heroic, devastating and pivotal moments of World Wars One and Two, providing young readers with an insight into the human stories behind the conflicts. Stories range from those of the soldiers on the front line and the riveting tales of spies to those on the home front....
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Encyclopedia of the Roman World Chandler F.
Encyclopedia of the Roman World
A fascinating guide to the Roman World - its dramatic history, government, army, religion and everyday life. Photographs and detailed illustrations create a vivid picture of life in Ancient Rome. The comprehensive fact-finder includes a time chart, “who’s who?” and details of recent archaeological finds and internet links lead to more online....
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Iron Age Bone E.
Iron Age
This simple information book charts the history of Iron Age people and how they lived, including their farming methods, the gods they prayed to and the hill forts where they lived - evidence of which can still be seen today. Full of facts, illustrations and photographs of historical artefacts....
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Knight`s Handbook Taplin S.
Knight`s Handbook
The ultimate guide for the novice knight, covering everything from sieges to swordplay, feasts to fights and crusades to courtly love. Written in a lively, humorous and engaging style and packed with informative historical detail. A really fun way to access medieval history....
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Roman Soldier`s Handbook Sims L.
Roman Soldier`s Handbook
A perfect survival guide for novice soldiers about how to stay alive in the Roman Army, revealing all the gruesome truths of life in the Roman army including what soldiers ate, what they wore and how they lived. Witty illustrations complement the text, creating a friendly and accessible introduction to Roman history....
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A Visitor`s Guide to Ancient Greece Sims L.
A Visitor`s Guide to Ancient Greece
Travel back in time with this humorous guide crammed with information and advice for the adventurous time-tourist. Arranged thematically, with topics including ‘Things to see and do’, ‘Trips out of Athens’ and ‘Top tips for tourists’. Also features quotations from notable Greeks, a glossary of famous people in Ancient Greece and a timeline....
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A Visitor`s Guide Ancient Rome Sims L.
A Visitor`s Guide Ancient Rome
A spoof travel guide written with time-travellers in mind, this humorous book introduces young readers to all aspects of the Ancient Romans, from how they farmed and what they ate to their gods and how they worshipped. Written in an amusing style with a guide to the best villas, hotels and markets....
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Greek Gazette Fleming F.
Greek Gazette
Perfect for libraries and schools, this hardback non-fiction book includes a contents page and an index....
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My Very First Castles Book Wheatley A.
My Very First Castles Book
This is non-fiction for very young children, who will find lots of things to look at and talk about in this highly visual book about what it was like to live in a castle. Little ones can find out about kings, queens, knights, banquets, jousting and lots more - whilst learning lots of interesting new words....
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Royal London Picture Book Reid R. Struan S.
Royal London Picture Book
A sumptuous book to discover the majestic history of Royal London. Each double page is packed with information about a royal palace or location, with photograhs of royal coaches, costumes, portraits, crowns, insignia and other royal regalia....
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