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Несладкие изделия из теста

  Описание тематики книг: Пиццы, чебуреки, блины, пироги (не сладкие)

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Бутерброды и пицца
Бутерброды и пицца
В предлагаемой книге приведены рецепты и способы приготовления более тысячи различных бутербродов, которые выручат вас и когда неожиданно придут гости, и когда не хватает времени для приготовления другой еды. Они могут украсить и праздничный стол. Ваша фантазия подскажет, как украсить бутерброды, чтобы были они аппетитными и красивыми....
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Grandma`s Recipe Treats. Packed with Tasty and Traditional Dishes Bulbeck L.
Grandma`s Recipe Treats. Packed with Tasty and Traditional Dishes
Home-baked bread, classic cakes, home-made pies, stews, hot-pots and roasted suppers, Grandma\"s Recipe Treats is full of traditional dishes. Accompanied by homely tips and hints from Grandma\"s kitchen, this beautiful new book both informs......
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Хачапури и другие пироги с сыром
Хачапури и другие пироги с сыром
Хлеб пекут с древнейших времен, и он играет очень важную роль в питании человека. Причем у разных народов хлеб особенный, зачастую совершенно непривычный нам и по форме, и по составу, и по способу приготовления. Один из самых распространенных видов......
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Рецепты вкусных пирожков
Рецепты вкусных пирожков
Пирожки любят все: и дети, и взрослые. С мясом или печенкой, с картошкой и грибами, с яйцом и рисом, с яблоками и повидлом они традиционно присутствуют в меню каждой хозяйки. Самые лучшие рецепты вкусных пирожков вы найдете в нашем сборнике. Приятного аппетита!...
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Лучшие рецепты домашней пиццы
Лучшие рецепты домашней пиццы
Традиционное итальянское блюдо пицца давно стало популярным и любимым во всем мире. Появилось много разнообразных рецептов приготовления пиццы с разными начинками и видами теста. В нашем сборнике вы найдете лучшие рецепты этого полюбившегося блюда. Приятного аппетита!...
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27 einfache Pizza-rezepte (Volume 2) (German Edition) Geronimo K. Manzo L.
27 einfache Pizza-rezepte (Volume 2) (German Edition)
In diesem Buch wird eine breite Auswahl einfacher Rezepte vorgestellt, um Pizzas im italienischen Stil zuzubereiten. Es wurden 27 Pizza-Rezepte eingeschlossen, au?erdem professionelle Ratschlage um Brote verschiedener Geschmacksrichtungen herzustellen, alles dies, als Idee fur das Garnieren, mit Fotografien illustriert....
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Di Pizza e Pizzerie: Arte e Tecniche di un Mestiere Antico (Italian Edition) Barbieri D. Dante D.
Di Pizza e Pizzerie: Arte e Tecniche di un Mestiere Antico (Italian Edition)
\"Di Pizza e Pizzerie\" e\' un viaggio alla scoperta di un mestiere antico. Ma sempre attuale. E che non conosce crisi. Tra arte e tecnica, tradizione e innovazione, pratiche secolari e moderne re-interpretazioni. Per neofiti e apprendisti, professionisti esperti o semplici estimatori....
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Theo & Co. Take 2: The Search for the Perfect Pizza Continues Kalogeracos T.
Theo & Co. Take 2: The Search for the Perfect Pizza Continues
After the phenomenal success of his first cookbook, Theo & Co: The Search for the Perfect Pizza (2008), Australia\'s world pizza champion Theo Kalogeracos takes to the road to continue his search for the perfect pizza - this time as far and wide as the US. With recipes as original as Theo himself, the pizzas in Theo & Co....
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Pizza: M s de 50 deliciosas recetas econ?micas y f ciles de hacer / Over 50 Delicious and Economic Recipes and Easy to Make (Spanish Edition) Bardi C.
Pizza: M s de 50 deliciosas recetas econ?micas y f ciles de hacer / Over 50 Delicious and Economic Recipes and Easy to Make (Spanish Edition)
Nothing beats pizza for a quick lunch, a satisfying dinner, or a late-night snack. In this cookbook, master chef Carla Bardi offers a wide range of pizza possibilities, along with simple, step-by-step instructions on how to make perfect pizza dough at home. More than 35 toppings are included, along with variations on the basic dough....
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Pizza: Award-Winning Pies for the Home Kitchen Evans P.
Pizza: Award-Winning Pies for the Home Kitchen
40 recipes for a wide variety of pizzas, both classic and creative, made in both a countertop electric pizza maker and in a conventional oven.Written by Australian celebrity chef Pete Evans, this book features more than 40 recipes for a wide variety of pizzas, from classic combinations, to modern flavors, to specialty and dessert pizzas....
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Heart Healthy Pizza (Volume 1) Sutton M.
Heart Healthy Pizza (Volume 1)
\"Heart Healthy Pizza is a breakthrough guide to making nutritious plant-based pizzas. Mark Sutton will show you how to make your own delicious dough, mouth-watering sauces, and vegan cheeses. This cookbook will be a favorite for anyone looking for a healthier way to eat pizza.\" --- Neal Barnard, M.D....
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Di Pizza e Pizzerie: A Professional Guide to Pizza Making Barbieri D. Dante D.
Di Pizza e Pizzerie: A Professional Guide to Pizza Making
\"Di Pizza e Pizzerie\" is a guided tour inside the secrets of pizza making- and the challenging world of pizza business. A perfect blend of either art and technique, tradition and innovation, ancient practices and modern requirements. With practical suggestions on how to run your own pizza shop....
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27 Recetas Faciles de Pizza (Volume 2) (Spanish Edition) Geronimo K. Manzo L.
27 Recetas Faciles de Pizza (Volume 2) (Spanish Edition)
Bienvenidos a nuestra cocina. Queremos compartir toda nuestra experiencia y la de nuestros padres contigo. En 27 Recetas Faciles de Pizza se explica como hacer Pizzas, de forma facil y manteniendo el espiritu italiano que las caracteriza. Este libro forma parte de una serie titulada Recetas Faciles: Pastas & Pizza....
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Pizza Greats: Delicious Pizza Recipes, The Top 93 Pizza Recipes Franks J.
Pizza Greats: Delicious Pizza Recipes, The Top 93 Pizza Recipes
You\'ll love this book, the recipes are easy, the ingredients are easy to get and they don\'t take long to make. Foodlovers turn to Pizza Greats for information and inspiration. Everything is in here, from the proverbial soup to nuts: Appetizer Killer Bread, Tomato-Basil Pizza, Tortilla Pizzas, Tucson Tostadas, Zesty Beef \'n\' Bean Wedges. . ....
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Pizza From Naples Riccio B.
Pizza From Naples
This book shares the secret of the perfect pizza from the temple of pizza in Australia, Napoli in Bocc. Translated literally as \"Naples in the mouth\" this traditional pizza restaurant is famous for its delicious, simple and unpretentious food....
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